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Tsayta Aviation Ltd

Looking for reliable transportation to and from exploration camps in Smithers, BC Look no further than our experienced bush pilots. We offer fuel hauls, crew moves, guide outfitter support, and government services as required. Trust us to get you where you need to go safely and efficiently.

Aircraft Fleet

Quest Kodiak Turboprop
a great modern bushplane
Useful Load: 3185 Lbs
Speed 175 Knots
Passengers: Up to 9
Undercarriage : Wheels
Texas Turbine Otter
Useful Load: 3800 lbs
Speed: 135 knots
Passengers: Up to nine
Undercarriage: Wheels, Floats, Skiis
Dehavilland DHC-2 Beaver
Useful Load 1800 lb
Speed 100 Knots
Passengers: Up to 6
Undercarriage Wheels, Skis, Floats

​Cessna 206
Useful Load 1200 lbs
Speed 160 mph
Passengers: Up to 4
On Wheels
Kodiak 100

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